Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to NiceJob: BDR Training A

    2. 👋 Hello, from Puulse

    3. About This Campaign: NJ

    4. Structure of This Training

    5. Your Campaign Leaders

    6. Our Expectations at Puulse

    7. 🎥 Introduction to Puulse Training

    8. 📝 Quiz: Are You Ready to Begin?

    9. You're Ready!

    1. 🎥 Agenda & Hours

    2. 💡 Training Agenda

    3. 📝 Quiz: The Agenda

    4. 🎥 How Your Hours Are Tracked

    5. 💡 Details: How Commissions are Paid

    6. 💡 Example of Commissions

    7. 💡 Pay Periods

    8. 💡 Understanding Compensation

    9. Answers to Common Questions

    10. 📝 Quiz: Compensation

    1. Did You Know...

    2. Why Do Reviews Matter?

    3. 🎥 Why Reviews? with Mike

    1. 💡 About NiceJob

    2. 🎥 How simple it is

    3. 🎥 NiceJob Product Overview, with Chelsea

    4. 💡 Key Features of NiceJob's Software

    5. What is a CRM?

    6. What Does the NJ Software Look Like?

    7. ⭐ We Do Great Work ⭐

    8. 📝 Quiz: The Software

    1. Our Tool Stack

    2. Slack Resources

    3. ✓ Before Moving Forward:

    4. 🎥 Slack Demonstration

    5. 💡 Communication Lines Etiquette

    6. 📝 Quiz: Communication Lines

    1. 💡 Steps To Your Job Here

    2. 1️⃣ Step 1. Making Your Calls

    3. 🎥 ViciDial Walkthrough

    4. 💡 Using ViciDial

    5. 📝 Quiz: Step 1, Making Calls

About this course

  • Free
  • 69 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today